Download Java Script Js File System Object
Download File From Grid. View Using ASP. Net. Introduction. This article explains the following How to upload files using file upload control. How to save a file in a folder and path to a database. Displaying the list of files in a Grid. View that are already uploaded. I About the Tutorial Twitter Bootstrap is the most popular front end framework in the recent time. It is sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first frontend. JavaScript/img/xjavascriptwizard5.png.pagespeed.ic.3yLKmmYcjs.png' alt='Download Java Script Js File System Object' title='Download Java Script Js File System Object' />Downloading the files by clicking on the Link. Button. Database. Use the following table and Stored Procedure to demonstrate this concept. Use the following script to create the preceding table. CREATE table File. Details File. Id int Primary Key Identity1,1, File. Name varchar1. 00, File. Size varchar3. 0, File. Type varchar3. 0, File. Path varchar2. 00, Created. On Datetime Use the following script to Create the Stored procedures CREATE procedure USPSelectFile. Details AS Begin Select from File. Details END CREATE procedure USPInsertFile. Provide collection Swing controls. Commercial. Details File. Name varchar1. 00, File. Size varchar3. 0, File. Type varchar3. 0, File. Path varchar2. 00, Created. On Datetime Null AS Begin Insert File. DetailsFile. Name,File. Size,File. Type,File. Path,Created. On ValuesFile. Name,File. Size,File. Type,File. Path,Get. Date END Creating the project. Now create the project using the following. Go to Start, then All Programs and click Microsoft Visual Studio 2. Go to File, then click New, Project., Visual C, Web. Then select ASP. NET Empty Web Application. Provide the project a name and specify the location. Web. Config. Create the connection string in the Web. Config file as in the following code snippet lt connection. Strings lt add namecon. Str connection. StringPassword 1. User IDsa DatabaseDBJai Data Source. NameSystem. Data. Sql. Client lt connection. Strings Next Right click on Solution Explorer and add a web form to your project. Webform Design. Design you Webform. Download Files From Grid. Viewlt legend lt table width1. File. Upload IDFile. Upload. 1 runatserver lt td lt td alignleft lt asp Button IDbtn. Upload runatserver TextUpload On. Clickbtn. UploadClick lt td lt tr lt tr lt td colspan2 aligncenter lt br lt asp Label IDlbl. Msg runatserver lt asp Label lt td lt tr lt td colspan2 aligncenter lt br lt asp Grid. View IDgv. Files runatserver Auto. Generate. ColumnsFalse Width1. On. Row. Commandgv. FilesRow. Command lt Columns lt asp Template. Counter Strike 1.8 Full Version For Windows 7. Field Header. TextDownload Here lt Item. Template lt asp Link. Button IDlnk. Download runatserver Causes. ValidationFalse Command. Argumentlt EvalFile. Name Command. NameDownload Textlt EvalFile. Name lt Item. Template lt asp Template. Field lt asp Bound. Field Data. FieldFile. Size Header. TextFile Size lt asp Bound. Field Data. FieldFile. Type Header. TextFile Type lt Columns lt asp Grid. View lt td lt tr lt table lt fieldset lt div Code. Behind. Add the following namespaces. System. Data using System. IO using System. Data. Sql. Client using System. Configuration using System. Drawing Invoke the Connection. String from Web. Config as in the following Sql. Connection con new Sql. ConnectionConfiguration. Manager. Connection. StringsCon. Str. Connection. String User Defined Functionsregion User Defined Methods private string Get. File. Extensionstring file. Extension switch file. Extension. To. Lower case . Microsoft Word Document case . Microsoft Excel Document case . Text Document case . Image default return Unknown private void Upload. File string File. Name string. Empty string File. Size string. Empty string extension string. Empty string File. Path string. Empty if File. Upload. 1. Has. File extension Path. Get. ExtensionFile. Upload. 1. File. Name File. Name File. Upload. Posted. File. File. Name File. Size File. Name. Length. To. String Bytes File. Upload. 1. Posted. File. Save. AsServer. Map. PathApplicationFile. Uploads File. Name. Trim File. Path ApplicationFile. Uploads File. Name. Trim. To. String else lbl. Msg. Text Plase upload the file lbl. Msg. Fore. Color Color. Red return Sql. Command cmd new Sql. CommandUSPInsertFile. Details, con cmd. Command. Type System. Data. Command. Type. Stored. Procedure cmd. Parameters. Add. With. ValueFile. Name, File. Name cmd. Parameters. Add. With. ValueFile. Size, File. Size cmd. Parameters. Add. With. ValueFile. Type, Get. File. Extensionextension cmd. Parameters. Add. With. ValueFile. Path, File. Ff7 Full Pc Game. Path con. Open int result cmd. Execute. Non. Query if result 0 lbl. Msg. Text File Uploaded Successfully lbl. Msg. Fore. Color Color. Green Bind. Grid. View private void Bind. Grid. View Sql. Data. Adapter adp new Sql. Data. AdapterUSPSelectFile. Details, con adp. Select. Command. Command. Type System. Data. Command. Type. Stored. Procedure if con. State Connection. State. Open con. Open Data. Set ds new Data. Set adp. Fillds gv. Files. Data. Source ds gv. Files. Data. Bind Page Event Handlersregion Page Event Handlers. PageLoadobject sender, Event. Args e lbl. Msg. Text string. Sony Tv Cid Serial Youtube 2015. Empty if Page. Is. Post. Back Bind. Grid. View protected void btn. UploadClickobject sender, Event. Args e Upload. File protected void gv. FilesRow. Commandobject sender, Grid. View. Command. Event. Args e Response. Clear Response. Content. Type applicationoctet stream Response. Append. HeaderContent Disposition, filename e. Command. Argument Response. Transmit. FileServer. Map. PathApplicationFile. Uploads e. Command. Argument Response. End endregion. Output. Upload the file using file upload control and click on the Upload button. The uploaded file is displayed in the Grid. View. Next click on the link button to download the files. I hope you enjoyed this article. Please provide your valuable suggestions and feedback.