Community Correction Programs Kenya
Culture of Kenya history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family. Countries and Their Cultures. Ja Ma. Culture of Kenya. Alternative Names. Jamhuri ya Kenya. Orientation. Identification. The country takes its name from Mount Kenya, located in the central. Location and Geography. Kenya is located in East Africa and borders Somalia to the northeast. Ethiopia to the north, Sudan to the northwest, Uganda to the west. Tanzania to the south, and the Indian Ocean to the east. The country. straddles the equator, covering a total of 2. Nevada. Kenya. has wide white sand beaches on the coast. Inland plains cover. In the west are the highlands where the altitude rises from. Nairobi, Kenyas largest city. Empowerment Institute is the worlds preeminent consulting and training organization specializing in the methodology of empowerment. Its stateoftheart empowerment. Kenya-IMG_9954_1.jpg' alt='Community Correction Programs Kenya' title='Community Correction Programs Kenya' />Serving over 75,000 members with daily web and email news, events and insights on the global power industry. A list of thousands of mentor programs with descriptions of how they work and who to contact. Calvin Colleges official student newspaper since 1907. The highest point, at. Mount Kenya. Kenya shares Lake Victoria. Africa and the main source of the Nile River, with. Tanzania and Uganda. Saba was born in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya on the 7th June at 7pm on the seventh day of the week, and became the 7th grandchild in the family. Her name means. The Better World Learning Community BWLC is a multisector collaboration of government agencies, corporations, civil society, impact investors, social entrepreneurs. Another significant feature of Kenyan geography is. Great Rift Valley, the wide, steep canyon that cuts through the. Kenya is also home to some of the worlds most. Unfortunately, the animal population is threatened by both hunting and an. The government has introduced strict legislation. Demography. According to an estimate in July 2. Kenyas population is. The population has been significantly reduced by the AIDS. Despite. this scourge, however, the birth rate is still significantly higher than. There are more than forty ethnic groups in the country. The largest of. these is the Kikuyu, representing 2. Fourteen. percent is Luhya, 1. Luo, 1. 2 percent is Kalenjin, 1. Kamba, 6 percent Kisii, and 6 percent Meru. Others, including the Somalis. Turkana in the north and the Kalenjin in the Great Rift Valley. These ethnic. categories are further broken down into subgroups. One percent of the. African, mostly of Indian and European descent. Linguistic Affiliation. The official languages are English and Kiswahili or Swahili. Swahili. which comes from the Arabic word meaning coast, is a mix. Arabic and the African language Bantu. It first developed in the tenth. Arab traders it was a. Arabs. The major language groups native to the region include Bantu in the. Nilotic near Lake Victoria, and Cushitic in the. English is the language generally used in government and business. It is. also used in most of the schools, although there has been movement towards. Kiswahili as the teaching language. English is not spoken solely by. Symbolism. The Kenyan flag has three horizontal stripesred, black, and. Kenya. white bands. The black symbolizes the people of Kenya, the red stands for. In the center of the flag is a red shield with black and. History and Ethnic Relations. Emergence of the Nation. The Great Rift Valley is thought to be one of the places where human. The first known inhabitants of present day Kenya were. Cushitic speaking tribes that migrated to the northwest region from. Ethiopa around 2. Eastern Cushites began to arrive about one thousand years later, and. During the period from. Africa. Tribal disagreements. In the 9. 00s, Arab merchants arrived and established trading centers along. East Africa. Over the ensuing eight centuries, they succeeded. Kenyans to Islam. Some Arabs settled in the area and. Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama landed at Mombasa in 1. Cape of Good Hope. The Portuguese. colonized much of the region, but the Arabs managed to evict them in 1. In the mid 1. 80. European explorers stumbled upon Mount Kilimanjaro and. Mount Kenya, and began to take an interest in the natural resources of. East Africa. Christian missionaries came as well, drawn by the large. Britain gradually increased its domain in the region, and in. Kenya was named a British protectorate by the Congress. Berlin, which divided the African continent among various European. The British constructed the Uganda Railway, which connected the. Kenyas coast to landlocked Uganda. The increasing. economic opportunities brought thousands of British settlers who displaced. Africans, often forcing them to live on reservations. The Africans. resistedthe Kikuyu in particular put up a strong fightbut. British. During the early twentieth century, the British colonizers forced the. Africans to work their farms in virtual slavery, and kept the upper hand. Kenyans to grow their own food. In the early. 1. 92. Kikuyu named Harry Thuku began to encourage rebellion among his. East Africa Association. He was arrested by the. British in 1. 92. The British reacted. Nairobi Massacre. Desire for self rule continued to build and in 1. Kenya African. Union, a nationalist party, was founded. In 1. 94. 6, the Kikuyu leader Jomo. Kenyatta returned after sixteen years in England and began agitating for. Kenyan independence. Back on his home soil, he was elected president of. Turkana men working at a gold mine in northern Kenya pass blocks of. The mines often lie. Kenya African Union. His rallying cry was. Swahili for freedom. While Kenyatta advocated peaceful rebellion, other. Kikuyu formed secret societies that pledged to win independence for Kenya. In the early 1. 95. Mau Mau murdered 3. Kikuyu who disagreed with their. In retaliation. these murders, the British killed a total of 1. Mau Mau and their. British policy also included displacing entire tribes and. Despite Kenyattas public denouncement of the Mau Mau, the British. Mau Mau leader and imprisoned him for nine years. While. Kenyatta was in jail, two other leaders stepped in to fill his place. Tom. Mboya, of the Luo tribe, was the more moderate of the two, and had the. Western nations. Oginga Oginga, also a Luo, was more radical. Soviet bloc. One common goal of the two was. In a 1. 95. 7 election, blacks won their. By 1. 96. 1, they constituted a majority. In 1. 96. 0 at the Lancaster House Conference in London the English approved. Kenyan independence, setting the date for December 1. Kenyatta. released from prison in 1. Kenya on 1. 2 December 1. Although he was a Kikuyu, one of Kenyattas primary. He appointed members of different ethnic. Mboya and Oginga. His slogan became. Lets all pull together. In 1. Oginga abrogated his position as vice president to start his own political. Kenyatta, fearing cultural divisiveness, arrested Oginga and. On 5 July 1. 96. 9, Tom Mboya. Luo and the Kikuyu increased. In elections later that year, Kenyatta won reelection and political. Overall, the fifteen years of Kenyattas. When Kenyatta. died on 2. August 1. 97. 8, the entire nation mourned his death. The. vice president, Daniel Toroitich arap Moi a Kalenjin of the Tugen. His presidency was confirmed in a general election. Moi initially promised to improve on Kenyattas government by. While he made some. Moi gradually restricted peoples liberty. In 1. 98. 2, a military coup. Moi. The coup was unsuccessful, and the president. Label Factory D1 (1 Of 2).Iso here. University of Nairobi, shutting down. Moi did away with secret ballots, and several. Mois opposition has faced even more blatant obstacles Legislator. Charles Rubia, who protested the policy of waiting in line to vote, was. Robert Ouko. Mois Minister of Foreign Affairs, threatened to expose government. Pro democracy demonstrations in the early 1. Western nations responded by demanding that Kenya hold multi party. December 1. 99. 2 Moi won reelection, despite widespread complaints of bribery. During this time, the economy floundered inflation. Kenyan currency was devalued by 5. In 1. 99. 5, the various opposition groups united in an attempt to wrest the. Moi and formed a political party called Safina. Opposition. efforts have been unsuccessful so far, however. In July 1. 99. 7.